State of Michigan DTS Criteria Up-Date

Expanded criteria surrounding the Michigan Digital Tax Stamping (DTS) transition, has most recently been discussed in a meeting with the State of Michigan and Xerox/Opsec.  A few highlights from the discussion are set below.


Multi-Machine Qualification Criteria

  • Distributors are qualified for multi-machine reimbursement if they have more than one machine, and meet the qualifications for reimbursement.

  •  If a distributor is getting multiple machines in the same facility, reimbursement will not start until the month after the final machine is installed.

  • The stamping machine must be installed to get reimbursement (i.e. one machine cannot be on the floor stamping, while the other is in a crate in the back room).

 Other Criteria in the Discussion

  • Sales Tax is included.

  • The inclusion of  “crating and shipping” is being considered.

 What’s Next

  • The State of Michigan is working on a Policy Statement/Position Paper on the .5% reimbursement. This will also include hand stamping solutions.

  • The Michigan Digital Pilot Program will be from May 1st  – May 31st 2014.  After this field testing period, other installations will begin. These are  planned for June 1st  – December 31st 2014.

Posted in Digtal Tax Stamping News & Information