RED Stamp is leading the way in digital machine sales and installs for Michigan. The effort has been amazing as we continue working with MI Stamping Agents to ensure customers are informed and that scheduled dates for installs produce the least disturbance on customer facilities, ensuring operations continue to run normally – as soon as possible.
DTS Operator Trainees proudly display their certificates earned at the first RED Stamp DTS installed facility.

We would like to also remind all Michigan Stamping Agents to turn in all State forms required and will continue to assist you in filling out these forms – if needed. One such form is the NEWLY RELEASED State Form 5171 – Reimbursement Application for Eligible Equipment 6-13-14. This form looks much like the one previously released (Form 5115: Stamping Agent Certification of Existing Equipment); However, 5115 was for qualifying agents to the digital program, and form 5171, is the Application for Reimbursement.